#### COVID-19-Analyzation 1. Visualizes dataset of the Covid-19 situation 2. [Link to repository](https://github.com/m1ghtfr3e/COVID-19-Analyzation) 3. See some examples: ![Relation of confirmed and death cases in Italy](/images/conf-dead.jpg) ##### ...more on next page
![Relation Confirmed and Recovered cases in China](/images/conf-rec-CN.jpeg)
#### Analyze my sleep 1. Program to save and visualizing/analyzing your sleep. Just enter how many hours you slept. [Still in progress] 2. [Link to repository](https://github.com/m1ghtfr3e/statMySleep) 3. Examples: ![Start of program](/images/sleep.png) ###### ... (continue)
![Another example](/images/sleep2.png)
#### Natural Language Processing with Python and NLTK 1. [Link to repository](https://github.com/m1ghtfr3e/Text-Edition-Programs)