m1ghtfr3e bio photo


Presenting my own projects and repositories of github


I wanna talk about the program “COVID-19_Analyzation” and how I’m making progress in coding.

The beginning

When the Corona Virus started first, I didn’t think it will be getting a huge problem, which could affect people all over the world. Then when the pandemia hit the place where I live, things gone fast and like from one moment to another everything has changed. Not doing sports outside anymore, or just going out and strolling through the cities.


After some time I saw that there was quite a lot of datasets so I thought why not starting programming something around that which could eventually help others. Even I’m not experienced at all at this field of coding, I did my best and after some days I was quite happy with my results. You can see them in my github repositories or see examples in the Presentations section on this site.

Some picture examples out of the program and the code

xmple func